Life Settlement for Consumers

Thinking Beyond Dividends for Retirement Income
Posted: October 07, 2024 by John Welcom
Life Settlements vs. Dividends: Explore the pros and cons of each retirement income strategy and discover a new way to maximize your financial security. See how life settlements can provide an alternative source of income, offering unique advantages and greater financial flexibility for your retirement years.

Life Settlement Payout Exceeds Surrender Value
Posted: September 02, 2024 by John Welcom
After investing over $600,000 in life insurance payments, Ann and her family faced a difficult choice: surrender the policy for a fraction of its worth or continue paying costly premiums. Thankfully, their financial advisor was familiar with Welcome Funds and a third option: a life settlement. Welcome Funds analyzed the policy and...

Life Settlement Provide Financial Relief
Posted: August 21, 2024 by John Welcom
Bob faced rising and burdensome life insurance policy premiums totaling nearly 10% of the death benefit each year. After carefully evaluating his budget, he determined that the policy was no longer affordable and considered accepting the less than $600 remaining in cash surrender value. Bob and his wife discussed the policy and the p...

Life Settlements: The Better Alternative to Surrender
Posted: August 14, 2024 by John Welcom
Don bought an individual 2MM Lincoln National Universal Life policy in 2017 (at age 78), but due to financial constraints, he could no longer afford the $104,330 annual premium to maintain the policy. Reducing the Death Benefit wasn’t a consideration because there was very little cash in the policy, so Don was faced with the prospe...

Eliminating Debt in Retirement
Posted: August 12, 2024 by John Welcom
The Center for Retirement Research at Boston College reports that a “rapidly growing” number of households accumulate debt in retirement, a trend that began in the 1990s and has accelerated in the past decade. The analysis concludes that most seniors, as a result, are at high risk of being financially impaired.

Selling Your Life Insurance Policy is Like Selling Your House
Posted: August 01, 2024 by John Welcom
Learn how selling your life insurance policy can be as strategic as selling your home. Discover life settlements, tips for maximizing your policy's value, and why a life settlement broker is essential.

The Social Security Fund Shortfall: Reimagining Your Financial Security (Pt. 2)
Posted: July 15, 2024 by John Welcom
We encourage seniors and their financial advisors to think differently about Social Security and the country's retirement fund. The message is the following: don't panic about losing benefits entirely - you won’t - and don't confidently assume ...

Lapsing Policy VS Life Settlements
Posted: June 20, 2024 by John Welcom
Life sometimes takes unexpected turns, especially during retirement. Mary experienced such change. At 82, her life insurance policy, once a cornerstone of her estate plan, no longer fit her needs and gradually became too expensive to maintain. Her advisor suggested exploring a life settlement with Welcome Funds instead of lapsing the...

How You Can Benefit from Market Competition When Buying AND Selling Your Life Insurance Policy
Posted: June 17, 2024 by John Welcom
Learn why selling your life insurance policy directly to a provider may not be the best strategy. Discover how Welcome Funds' auction platform creates competition, maximizing your payout and putting the power back in your hands. Don't miss out on po...

The Social Security Fund Shortfall: Understanding the Debate (Pt. 1)
Posted: May 28, 2024 by John Welcom
Worried about the future of Social Security? Explore the facts, understand the proposed solutions, and learn how to create a secure retirement plan that doesn't rely solely on government benefits.

Finding Cash Flow from Passive Income Sources
Posted: March 25, 2024 by John Welcom
Tired of chasing high-risk investments or selling off assets to cover retirement expenses? Discover 8 proven ways to create passive income streams and enjoy a more comfortable retirement. Plus, learn how a life insurance policy you no longer need may be a hidden source of cash through a life settlement.

New Longevity Risk Underwriting Tools Improve the Stability of the Life Settlement Market
Posted: March 15, 2024 by John Welcom
The pricing of life insurance products is tied to the forecast of an insured’s life expectancy—what insurance experts call “longevity risk"—and relies on an estimate of the insured’s probable lifespan that is generated by the insurance comp...

Unlocking the Value of A Life Insurance Policy
Posted: February 16, 2024 by John Welcom
The past few years have witnessed a rapid swing towards sustained high inflation, catching many retirees off guard when it comes to their monthly income requirements. Adding to this challenge, income from investments has stalled, with stocks experiencing a prolonged bear market and bonds suffering their worst year on record in 2022.

Retirement and Life Insurance: Do You Still Need It?
5 Questions to Help You Decide
Posted: February 01, 2024 by John Welcom
Most of us purchase life insurance because we want to ensure that our loved ones have some measure of financial protection in the event of our sudden passing. We want to provide them with an umbrella over their heads so they can have sufficient money...

How Can Seniors Afford Soaring Long-Term Care Expenses?
Posted: January 31, 2024 by John Welcom
The rising cost of long-term care is a growing concern for seniors and their families. A recent New York Times special report, "Facing Financial Ruin as Costs Soar for Elder Care," highlighted the challenges families face in accessing and paying for long-term care services.

How to Overcome Financial Behavioral Errors in Retirement
Posted: November 30, 2023 by John Welcom
We all understand the importance of creating a personal financial plan and then living within that structure to obtain a secure and stress-free retirement. But “understanding” and “implementing” are two very different things.

Insurance Research Firm Forecasts Steady Growth in Life Settlement Market
Posted: November 13, 2023 by John Welcom
One of the premier investment management and research firms serving the insurance industry has just released a new report on the state of the U.S. life settlement market and their data forecasts a bright future for the asset class in the decade to co...

Time for a Year-End Retirement Funding Review
Posted: November 01, 2023 by John Welcom
As people enter their retirement years, they tend to think that the albatross of “financial planning” can finally be removed. They have worked hard their entire lives, saved a little money along the way, sought out the professional guidance of a financial advisor, and hoped they could stash away enough money to enjoy their golden...

Embracing the Benefits of Longevity: The “New Map of Life Report”
Posted: October 03, 2023 by John Welcom
Seniors are living longer and healthier lives than ever before. But with greater longevity comes the challenge of maintaining a secure financial future. Learn how to create a cash bridge to fund retirement lifestyle needs and explore the potential va...

FINRA Guide Advises Seniors on Life Settlements
Posted: September 08, 2023 by John Welcom
Discover FINRA's insightful guide on life settlements for seniors. Learn why understanding life settlements, fair pricing, and the role of licensed brokers are crucial. Explore how Welcome Funds can help maximize your policy's value.

U.S. Life Settlement Transactions Up by 4% in 2022, According to The Life Settlements Report
Posted: September 01, 2023 by John Welcom
The U.S. life settlement market — in which seniors are able to sell life insurance policies they no longer need or can afford to institutional investors for a cash payment — returned to steady growth again in 2022, according to a highly anticipat...

Tips for Managing Retirement Costs
Posted: August 22, 2023 by John Welcom
The U.S. economy may be healthy by most standard measures, but there are still significant challenges for retirees. Volatile investment markets and rising prices for everything from energy to groceries has understandably strained a lot of retirement budgets. Inflation is particularly tough on seniors. It not only triggers higher ...

Using Stress As an Advantage: Tips for Beating Retirement Anxiety
Posted: August 07, 2023 by John Welcom
Feeling overwhelmed by financial anxiety? Learn how life settlements can offer relief, providing cash for medical expenses, retirement needs, or anything else life throws your way. Welcome Funds is here to guide you every step of the way.

Smart Habits for a Happy and Healthy Retirement
Posted: July 25, 2023 by John Welcom
Discover the smart habits that lead to a happy and healthy retirement in "Smart Habits for a Happy and Healthy Retirement" by John Welcom, Founder and CEO of Welcome Funds. Learn how investing in physical, mental, and social well-being can maximize the golden years and ensure a fulfilling retirement. Explore practical tips on nutriti...

How to Fund Long-Term Care with a Life Settlement
Posted: May 15, 2023 by John Welcom
Nearly 7 in 10 retirees will need some type of long-term care, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. All seniors should account for this possible expense into their retirement budgets. Unfortunately, many of them do not and are unprepared.

Grandpa Joe Avoids High Premiums with a Life Settlement!
Posted: May 04, 2023 by John Welcom
Joe, a 70-year-old retiree, faced a challenging situation with his 20-year $1,000,000 term life insurance policy. The term conversion deadline was rapidly approaching, and future premiums were scheduled to increase from $3,030 to $58,000 per year. Joe told his advisor that he was both uncomfortable and unwilling to incur such a h...

Life Insurance Buyout Offers from Carriers
Posted: April 03, 2023 by John Welcom
Do you have a life insurance buyout offer from a carrier? STOP! First, determine the true market value of your policy. You could be throwing away money. We take all life insurance policies to market. Get a FREE, no-obligation life insurance policy appraisal by Welcome Funds.

Tips for Helping Grandchildren During Retirement
Posted: March 27, 2023 by John Welcom
It is important for any senior who owns a life insurance policy that he or she no longer needs or can afford to work with a licensed life settlement broker, like Welcome Funds, who understands and maximizes the market value of policies.

Sell A Term Life Insurance Policy: See How Kevin Received $30,000 Instead of $0!
Posted: March 20, 2023 by John Welcom
Kevin purchased a 10 year level term life insurance policy at age 58 to provide his family with some financial security. The expiration date was fast approaching and Kevin's medical bills were mounting. In need of some financial relief, he was contem...

Sell A Term Life Insurance Policy: See How Scott Received $2,650,000 Instead of $0!
Posted: March 13, 2023 by John Welcom
Scott purchased a $6 million dollar 10-year term life insurance policy at age 59 to protect his family and business interests. A decade later, approaching the term conversion deadline, Scott was facing a $148,000 annual conversion premium. He did not...

Combating Rising Life Insurance Premiums
Posted: March 06, 2023 by John Welcom
Life settlements provide life insurance policy owners a safe, regulated avenue for selling their policies at prices that represent fair market value when utilizing the services of a life settlement broker. The life settlement broker, like Welcome Funds, utilizes an auction platform to maximize the sale of a life insurance policy.

Protect Your Retirement: Don't Let Legal Expenses Derail Your Plans
Posted: March 03, 2023 by John Welcom
Unexpected legal expenses can derail even the most diligently executed retirement plans. Learn about an option that can help you get back on track and put your money back in your pocket.

Life After the Empty Nest
Posted: January 16, 2023 by John Welcom
Discover a New Chapter: Exploring Life After the Empty Nest. Gain insights into navigating financial opportunities and personal growth in this exciting phase of life. Read more at Welcome Funds.

Offsetting Declining Interest Income with Life Insurance Policies
Posted: January 05, 2023 by John Welcom
The historically low interest rate environment for the past several years has negatively impacted retirees who have built financial plans on expectations of interest income from bonds and other fixed-income assets.

5 Common Retirement Budgeting Mistakes
Posted: December 29, 2022 by John Welcom
The peak earning years for seniors are gone and the only supplement to accrued savings, other than the hopeful growth of investment accounts, is often social security checks or employer pension payments. The risk of unexpected — and unwelcome — financial surprises can derail any plan that has a minimal margin for error.

How to Prepare Financially When Losing a Spouse
Posted: December 08, 2022 by John Welcom
It is a topic that few of us want to discuss, but it is a reality of life for anyone who is married or plans to get married, — especially for seniors living in retirement. We may have to cope with the difficulty of becoming a widow/widower.

4 Tips to Overcome Retirement Financial Anxiety
Posted: November 28, 2022 by John Welcom
Life settlements are highly regulated transactions where policy owners sell their life insurance policies to a third-party investor for less than the death benefit but more than the cash surrender value. The proceeds from a life settlement can be used in any manner whatsoever, to offset medical bills, provide gifts to family member...

The Life Settlement Auction Remains as Powerful as Ever
Posted: September 20, 2022 by John Welcom
Life insurance, without question, serves as a financial umbrella to protect families. The coverage provides peace of mind and a safety net during a season of life when children are dependent on the support. But what happens when that season ends, the kids are grown and self-sufficient, and mom or dad determines that such protection i...

How to Sell Your Life Insurance Policy for $250,000 Instead of $4,811!
Posted: September 12, 2022 by John Welcom
Mark bought an individual $2M Lincoln National Universal Life policy in 2017 (at age 78). Due to financial constraints, he could no longer afford the $104,330 annual premium to maintain the policy. Unfortunately, reducing the Death Benefit was not ...

Resisting Temptation to Surrender a Life Insurance Policy
Posted: September 09, 2022 by John Welcom
Facing financial difficulties? Don't surrender your life insurance policy for a pittance. Learn how life settlements offer a better solution, providing seniors with a lump sum of cash while preserving their legacy.

How Does Inflation Affect Retirement?
Posted: August 24, 2022 by John Welcom
Retirees have unwillingly been on a financial rollercoaster of fast-changing economic conditions over the past few years. A robust economy was interrupted by a global pandemic, which triggered a short-lived global recession in the face of unprecedented shutdowns. Then, there was an astonishing recovery and a booming stock marke...

How to Sell Your Life Insurance Policy for $121,500 Instead of $0!
Posted: July 11, 2022 by John Welcom
Janet owned a 20-year term life insurance policy that was expiring within a year. Unfortunately, she could not afford to convert the coverage to a permanent policy. So, just like most term life insurance consumers, she was about to let her term polic...

The Pandemic and Life Settlements: How Financial Advisors Can Help
Posted: July 01, 2022 by John Welcom
The COVID-19 pandemic not only created a worldwide public health emergency, but it also had an enormous impact on every sector of the global economy. The life insurance industry has been no exception.

The Greatest Asset Owned by Seniors Might Not Be So Obvious
Posted: June 28, 2022 by John Welcom
Many seniors mistakenly assume that their only available cash-producing assets are the ones that they can touch and see. But a more thorough analysis may uncover hidden assets that have potential value. It is possible that the most valuable asset owned by a senior is a simple life insurance policy purchased many years ago — and...

The Changing Role of a Life Insurance Policy
From Financial Security to Personal Asset
Posted: April 18, 2022 by John Welcom
Most seniors who own a life insurance policy did so years ago to provide financial security for their families. However, as children grow older, their need for such protection and the desire to continue paying premiums changes. The life insurance po...

1 in 4 Boomers Say Medical Debt Prevents Retirement Savings
Posted: March 28, 2022 by John Welcom
The only way for seniors to properly deal with medical debt without simply transferring it to their high-interest credit card — or ignoring it entirely — is to produce income flow from previously untapped sources. One of those assets, such as a life insurance policy, could turn out to be a previously unknown source of money.

Recession Taught a Painful Lesson About Financial Priorities
Posted: March 16, 2022 by John Welcom
Many seniors are aware that they can take out a reverse mortgage on their house to generate a line of credit but few are aware that an unneeded or undesired life insurance policy can be turned into cash through a life settlement transaction. Because life insurance policies are not affected by market volatility, they may be the suppl...

Improvement In Life Expectancy Underwriting
Posted: November 30, 2021 by John Welcom
Life insurance is one of the oldest financial products in the Western Hemisphere. Since the first life insurance policies were offered in the early-1700s, there is one overriding factor that determines cost to the consumer: the projected life expectancy of the insured.

5 Questions About Life Insurance to Ask High Net Worth Clients
Posted: November 17, 2021 by John Welcom
Financial advisors to high net worth clients are becoming more familiar with the life settlement option — helping sell a life insurance policy to an investor for a cash payment as an alternative to maintaining, lapsing, or surrendering a life insur...

How to Sell Your Life Insurance Policy for $81,005 Instead of $43,000!
Posted: November 09, 2021 by John Welcom
After seeing an ad from a direct buyer on TV, Dave was surprised to learn that his life insurance policy could be sold for a cash payment. Dave contacted the direct buyer who offered him $43,000. Before proceeding with that offer, Dave contacted hi...

How to Sell Your Life Insurance Policy for $187,000 Instead of $0!
Posted: April 06, 2021 by John Welcom
A small business was filing for bankruptcy and its assets were being reviewed. The company’s financial advisor helped the partners identify the value, which they did not know existed, contained in its key man life insurance coverage.

How to Sell Your Life Insurance Policy for $64,800 Instead of $10,000!
Posted: March 03, 2021 by John Welcom
Ronald purchased a $300,000 Universal Life policy back in 1999 to provide his wife with financial security. Unfortunately, after 20+ years, Ronald could no longer afford the premium payments as his healthcare costs were mounting.

How to Sell Your Life Insurance Policy for $54,000 Instead of $20,000!
Posted: February 19, 2021 by John Welcom
Margie purchased a 20-year level, convertible Term life insurance policy at age 48 to provide her daughter with financial security. Twenty years later, the term premium was set to increase dramatically and Margie's family could not afford to maintai...

Consumer Frustration: No Carrier Disclosure of Alternatives to Lapsing or Surrendering a Policy
Posted: February 16, 2021 by John Welcom
Life insurance consumers are frustrated with the industry due to a lack of transparency and high fees. Learn about your options if you no longer need or can afford your life insurance policy.

How to Sell Your Life Insurance Policy for $100,000 Instead of $30,000!
Posted: February 10, 2021 by John Welcom
Jerry purchased a $500,000 Universal Life policy seven years ago to provide his wife with “peace of mind.” Unfortunately, he could no longer afford the premium payments and contemplated letting the policy go. Jerry’s wife saw a TV commercial fr...

Embracing the New Era of “DIY” Retirement Funding
Posted: November 02, 2020 by John Welcom
In previous generations, it was common for a hard working citizen to secure a job at a stable company, be employed by the same organization for decades, and then retire one day with the proverbial gold watch and a nice pension to supplement monthly Social Security checks.

The Joy of Giving: Transferring Assets to Heirs
Posted: October 15, 2020 by John Welcom
Outdated life insurance policies can become a burden in retirement. Discover how life settlements can unlock hidden value, providing liquidity for legacy planning and accelerating the joy of giving. Learn how to optimize your estate plan and leave a lasting impact on loved ones, today.

Life Settlement Transactions Increased by 11% in 2019 as Market Awareness Continues to Grow
Posted: October 01, 2020 by John Welcom
The U.S. life settlement market — in which seniors are able to sell existing life insurance policies that they no longer need or can afford to institutional investors as an alternative to lapsing or surrendering the policy back to the insurer — e...

“Cash Surrender Value” vs. “Fair Market Value”
When in Doubt, Get it Appraised
Posted: August 14, 2020 by John Welcom
Consumers who have purchased a “permanent” life insurance policy — such as whole life or universal life — are familiar with a distinctive number on their regular account statements from their insurance carrier. Unfortunately, many people are ...

Paying for Health Care Costs with Life Insurance
Posted: July 29, 2020 by John Welcom
Redefining Retirement Funding: A Comprehensive Review of Strategies. Welcome Funds presents a detailed analysis of retirement funding options, helping you make informed decisions for a secure future.

Never Surrender! Convertible Term Life Insurance and the Secondary Market
Posted: July 15, 2020 by John Welcom
Many people subscribe to the adage of “buy term, invest the difference” when deciding what type of life insurance to buy for their family’s financial protection. It may be a smart strategy for some consumers, but only if they are informed abou...

Revised IRS Guidance for Sale of Existing Life Insurance Policies
Posted: July 10, 2020 by John Welcom
CIients who own life insurance policies that are obsolete — or simply own a policy they no longer need or can afford, for whatever reason — need to work with an experienced life settlement broker who can help evaluate those policies in the afterm...

How to Get the Highest Life Settlement Offer
Posted: March 16, 2020 by John Welcom
When you decide to sell a valuable personal asset, you usually want to obtain the highest purchase price for that property. It is sound business sense. However, how do you truly know when you have reached the point of accepting and securing the most desirable offer?